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Undergraduate Fees Calculator

Undergrad Fees

Awards & fees will appear when you select your previous education level.


Will you be living in residence at Laurentian University?

Most recent High School Average

Will you be studying in a French Language program?

Will you be living in residence at Laurentian University?

Did you recently graduate from a 2 year or 3 year diploma with a final average of 80% or higher?

Will you be living in residence at Laurentian University?

Are you transferring directly from another university with an average of 80% or higher?

Will you be living in residence at Laurentian University?

Calculated Fees

+ {{ parseInt(tuitionAmount) | currency:undefined:0 }} Estimated Tuition and Incidental Fees - {{ (parseInt(HSAvg) + parseInt(NativeLanguageStudies) + parseInt(FrenchImmersion) + parseInt(FrenchLanguage) + parseInt(Grad2YearDiploma) + parseInt(GradOtherUniversity)) | currency:undefined:0 }} Estimated Awards + {{ parseInt(residence) | currency:undefined:0 }} Residence + {{ parseInt(mealPlan) | currency:undefined:0 }} Meal Plan
{{ parseInt(tuitionAmount) + parseInt(mealPlan) + parseInt(residence) - (parseInt(HSAvg) + parseInt(NativeLanguageStudies) + parseInt(FrenchImmersion) + parseInt(FrenchLanguage) + parseInt(Grad2YearDiploma) + parseInt(GradOtherUniversity)) | currency:undefined:0 }} Total

The following information reflects tuition and compulsory incidental fees for full-time students registered in 30 credits between September and April in most programs as well as a double occupancy room in residence along with a Freedom meal plan. Tuition is calculated based on the selection of academic level (undergraduate or graduate), academic program, course load (full-time or part-time), cohort year and citizenship. Please consult the full fees information on the Fees-Financing page for additional details.