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Éducation (B.Ed.)

Préparez-vous à enseigner à la prochaine génération d’élèves.


Bilingual SLP: Là tu parles!

Orthophonie (M.Sc.S.)

Devenez des cliniciennes et cliniciens capables de faire des analyses poussées des troubles du langage et de la communication.

Science Communication (M.S.Com. or G.Dip.)

Communiquez les faits scientifiques et engagez une masse critique de la population.

Sciences pluridisciplinaires

Touchez à toutes les sciences dans le cadre d’un même programme.


Dépistez et traitez les troubles de la parole et du langage.

Sciences humaines et interdisciplinarité (Ph.D.)

Examinez comment les humains s'adaptent, apprennent et se développent.

MA Interdisciplinary Master of Arts in Relational Studies

Undertake an all-encompassing program in the human sciences that focuses on applied research.

Architectural Studies

Assurez la conception et la construction de solutions innovatrices qui correspondent aux cultures et climats.

Human Studies and Interdisciplinarity (PhD)

Examine how humans adapt, learn and develop.

Indigenous Social Work

Promote social change towards liberation of land and people.

Science Communication (M.S.Com. or G.Dip.)

Communicate the facts and engage the masses.

Interdisciplinary Science

Solving small and large-scale problems using many sciences.

Interdisciplinary Studies

Your degree. Your way.

English Literature, Media, and Writing

Read widely. Think critically. Write creatively.

Architectural Studies

Design and build innovative solutions for cultures and climates.

Education (Concurrent B.Ed.)

Prepare to teach the next generation of students.

Membres du corps professioral

Il n'y a aucun résultat trouvé.


Le programme de communication scientifique de la Laurentienne est honoré par l'Institut royal canadien des sciences

(2018-11-09) Le programme de communication scientifique de l'Université Laurentienne, en partenariat avec Science Nord, est le récipiendaire du prix William Edmond Logan 2018 de l'Institut royal canadien des sciences, qui reconnaît l'excellence dans la promotion des sciences par un organisme canadien. L'annonce a été faite ce matin à Ottawa dans le cadre de la 10e Conférence annuelle sur les...

L'Université Laurentienne lance la première maîtrise en communication scientifique au Canada

L’Université Laurentienne a célébré aujourd’hui le lancement du premier et unique programme complet de maîtrise en communication scientifique au Canada. Au début de septembre, la première cohorte d’étudiants a entrepris ses études dans le programme intensif de 12 mois. La maîtrise en communication scientifique propose une expérience pluridisciplinaire abordant la théorie sous-jacente...

L’Université Laurentienne et le Collège Fleming créent un cheminement unique vers la maîtrise

25 juillet 2019 – Les diplômés du programme Environmental Visual Communication (EVC) du Collège Fleming ont maintenant l’option d’obtenir une maîtrise de l’Université Laurentienne. C’est le premier cheminement du genre en études postsecondaires dans la province. Les établissements ont signé une entente permettant aux diplômés admissibles du programme EVC du Collège Fleming de...

Le Programme de communication scientifique collabore avec Science Nord, Horizon Santé-Nord et Eastlink afin de présenter « Northern MedTalks 2022 »

(14 avril, 2022) - Le 21 avril 2022, à 19 h, le Programme de communication scientifique de la Laurentienne, Science Nord et Horizon Santé-Nord collaboreront avec Eastlink pour présenter Northern MedTalks 2022, série de conférences à rythme soutenu mettant en valeur dix prestataires de soins de santé dans le nord de l’Ontario. Chaque exposé de 10 minutes est coréalisé par le ou la...

Une professeure de l’Université Laurentienne reçoit un financement du CRSNG pour avancer la formation en matière de communication scientifique

(23 novembre 2020) L’Université Laurentienne tient à féliciter Mme Chantal Barriault, Ph.D., qui a reçu 20 000 $ du Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie (CRSNG) du gouvernement fédéral. Cette subvention permet à des experts en communication de partager leurs connaissances avec des professeurs, chercheurs et étudiants des cycles supérieurs en sciences, technologie, ingénierie...

L’Université Laurentienne nomme de nouveaux membres du corps professoral sur la voie de la permanence

(8 août 2023) - L’Université Laurentienne a investi dans le renouvellement du corps professoral et nommé de nombreux membres du corps professoral sur la voie de la permanence dans diverses unités d’enseignement. Ces personnes enrichiront l’environnement universitaire en enseignant, en supervisant des étudiants aux cycles supérieurs, en menant des recherches et en participant à l’établissement...

Des chercheurs de l’UL reçoivent 50 000 $ pour examiner la confiance à l’égard des vaccins dans le nord de l’Ontario

3 août, 2021 - Grâce à l’appui du Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG), les chercheurs et le personnel du Centre de recherche sur la santé et la sécurité au travail (CRSST) et du programme d’études supérieures en communication scientifique parcourront en septembre le nord de l’Ontario afin de renforcer la confiance des milieux de travail et des...

Un loisir unique fait naître un engagement à vie envers le plaidoyer

11 avril 2024 - À peine âgé 23 ans, ce diplômé en biologie marine et chercheur au sein d’un ministère fédéral, étudie actuellement à l’Université Laurentienne pour parfaire ses compétences en communication scientifique. Ce cheminement universitaire et la passion qui l’anime s’inscrivent dans le prolongement d’un loisir entamé à l’âge de douze ans lors d’un voyage familial en...

La communauté universitaire se prépare au Symposium de recherche des cycles supérieurs

(16 mars, 2022) - Du 21 au 25 mars 2022, une activité de promotion de la recherche des cycles supérieurs aura lieu à l’Université Laurentienne. Le Symposium de recherche des cycles supérieurs « Découverte et dissémination » est dirigé par l’Association des étudiants des cycles supérieurs avec l’appui du Bureau des études supérieures. Les communications porteront sur les projets...

L’Université Laurentienne nomme le nouveau doyen de la Faculté de gestion

19 avril, 2013 - Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l'Université Laurentienne a approuvé aujourd'hui la nomination de M. Stephen J. Havlovic, Ph.D., au poste de doyen de la Faculté de gestion, à compter du 1er juillet 2013. M. Stephen Havlovic est vice‑recteur à l'enseignement et à la recherche et vice‑recteur aux études au...

L'Université Laurentienne crée de nouvelles facultés en santé, éducation et études supérieures

Le Sénat de l’Université Laurentienne a approuvé une nouvelle structure des facultés, ce qui se traduit par une réorganisation de nombreux départements et écoles de l’UL.    La Faculté de la santé et la Faculté de l’éducation remplaceront la Faculté des écoles professionnelles. La Faculté des sciences et de génie portera dorénavant le nom de Faculté des sciences, de...

Prix d’excellence en enseignement 2022

(27 octobre 2022) - Le Comité du Sénat sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage a le plaisir d’annoncer les lauréats des prix d’excellence en enseignement de 2022.   Le prix d’excellence en enseignement pour les membres du corps professoral à temps partiel 2022 est décerné à Michelle Reid, B.Arts Sc., M.Sc., M.S.Com. (LU), chargée de cours, Programme d’études supérieures en...

Contributions vitales des orthophonistes

3 mai 2024 – Les orthophonistes apportent une contribution clé au secteur de l’enseignement et sont réputés pour leur travail avec les enfants en milieu scolaire. Localement, vous constaterez que beaucoup d’orthophonistes des conseils scolaires francophones et anglophones sont diplômés du programme d’orthophonie de la Laurentienne....

Les gagnants au Symposium de recherche des cycles supérieurs sont annoncés

(30 mars, 2022) - Du 21 au 25 mars 2022, l’Association des étudiants des cycles supérieurs de la Laurentienne, appuyée du Bureau des études supérieures, a organisé le Symposium de recherche des cycles supérieurs « Découverte et dissémination », mettant en valeur les projets variés de recherche d’étudiants inscrits aux programmes de maîtrise et de doctorat. Les exposés ont témoigné de...

L'Université Laurentienne inaugure une nouvelle École de l'environnement

3 juillet 2014 – La nouvelle École de l’environnement, que le Sénat de l’Université Laurentienne a approuvée plus tôt cette année, a ouvert ses portes avec pour noyau un corps enseignant de treize professeurs auquel s’ajouteront bientôt, par voie de nomination conjointe, treize autres issus d’autres unités. L’École regroupe cinq programmes existants : Environmental Studies,...

L’Association des anciens de la Laurentienne décerne des Prix de distinction à cinq diplômés

L’Association des anciens de l’Université Laurentienne (AAUL) rendra hommage à cinq diplômés exceptionnels lors de la remise des  Prix de distinction, le jeudi 11 octobre 2018, à l’École d’architecture McEwen. Les Prix de distinction de 2018 sont décernés comme suit :  Prix d’étoile montante – Mme Ashley Kirwan (B.Sc. 2008, M.Sc. 2017), cofondatrice, PDG et principale...

Banque TD investit 250 000$

20 mars, 2012 - L’une des sociétés canadiennes de premier rang, le Groupe financier Banque TD a annoncé aujourd’hui un important investissement au profit de la population étudiante dans ce programme exceptionnel de vulgarisation scientifique. Le vice-président du Groupe financier Banque TD et l’ex-premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick,...

Le professeur Dean Millar est nommé éminent conférencier de l'ICM

June 5, 2015  - Mr. Dean Millar , professor at the Bharti School of Engineering and Director of the Group energy, renewable energy and carbon management in MIRARCO, received the distinguished title of lecturer awarded by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum ( ICM).   Mr. Millar is one of five winners of this award honored at CIM's national gala held at the...

Un professeur de la Laurentienne reçoit une subvention de 1 650 000 $ du CRSNG

April 18, 2016  - A team led by Dr. Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde, Ph.D., at Laurentian University, received a grant of $ 1.65 million under the CREATE program of the Natural Sciences and in engineering Canada (NSERC). Funds will be used to a new training program for professionals in conservation zoos / aquariums and their partners in conservation.   Mr. Schulte-Hostedde holds the...

La Laurentienne célèbre l'inauguration du nouveau Centre d’apprentissage des cadres

27 juin 2016 – Aujourd’hui, on a coupé le ruban symbolique et célébré l’inauguration du nouveau Centre d’apprentissage des cadres à l’Université Laurentienne.   Dans ces installations de pointe d’un montant de 3 100 000 $ et  construites récemment au troisième étage de...

L'Université Laurentienne équilibre son budget pour la septième année consécutive

Aujourd’hui, le Conseil des gouverneurs a approuvé à l’unanimité le budget de fonctionnement de 155 900 000 $ pour 2017-2018, une augmentation de 5 400 000 $ ou de 3,6 % par rapport à l’an dernier. Le campus de Sudbury comptera 28 membres supplémentaires à plein temps du corps professoral dans 14 unités d’enseignement, dont 11 nouveaux postes et 17 collègues effectuant un...

L’Université Laurentienne investit dans son plan stratégique

Le Conseil des gouverneurs de la Laurentienne a approuvé un budget de fonctionnement de 160 700 000 $ pour 2018-2019. Établi à la suite d’un rigoureux processus de consultation, le budget compte une hausse de 3 200 000 $ par rapport à l’an dernier en raison d’une augmentation des investissements prioritaires touchant le Plan stratégique 2018-2023 de la Laurentienne, intitulé Together. Ensemble....

Une professeure de l’Université Laurentienne et titulaire d'une Chaire de recherche fait partie des quatre Canadiennes sélectionnées pour participer à une expédition scientifique

Mme Tammy Eger, professeure de sciences de l’activité physique à l’Université Laurentienne, et titulaire de la Chaire de recherche en santé et sécurité au travail, fait partie des quatre Canadiennes sélectionnées pour la quatrième expédition « Homeward Bound » (HB4). Les 95 femmes représentant 28 pays suivront un programme de leadership intensif de douze mois visant les femmes des domaines des...

Des étudiants de l’Université Laurentienne représenteront le Canada sur la scène internationale

Le 22 novembre 2018 – La Faculté de gestion de l’Université Laurentienne est fière d’annoncer que six de ses étudiants représenteront le Canada au 22e atelier international (en anglais) qui se tiendra en Russie du 6 au 19 avril 2019. Organisé par la South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences en Allemagne et accueilli par la M.I. Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic...

La Laurentienne et Waubetek jettent les bases d’une collaboration future

(TORONTO, 3 mars 2020) – L’Université Laurentienne est heureuse d’annoncer qu’elle a signé aujourd’hui, lors du Congrès de l’Association canadienne des prospecteurs et entrepreneurs (ACPE) à Toronto, une lettre d’intérêt avec la Waubetek Business Development Corporation. Cette lettre prépare le terrain pour une collaboration interinstitutionnelle sous l’égide du Centre autochtone d’excellence...

Conseiller spécial aux affaires francophones, Roch Gallien

(26 novembre 2021) Nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir Roch Gallien à titre de conseiller spécial aux affaires francophones. Monsieur Gallien relèvera directement de la Provost et vice-rectrice aux études pour soutenir les activités du bureau des affaires francophones. Roch Gallien a consacré les cinq dernières années à l’encadrement de la formation des enseignantes et enseignants...

Lancement du livre Beyond the Divide - A Century of Canadian Mosque Design

(17 mars, 2022) - Aujourd’hui, 17 mars 2022, à 18 h 30, L’École de l’architecture McEwen présentera une activité hybride pour célébrer le lancement du livre de Mme Tammy Gaber, Ph.D. intitulé Beyond the Divide : A Century of Canadian Mosque Design, qui explore l’hétérogénéité, la beauté, la fonctionnalité et la polyvalence des mosquées du Canada.  Depuis un siècle, environ,...

Le programme Travail-études prépare les étudiants à la réussite professionnelle

(le 6 septembre, 2022) - Le programme Travail-Études de l’Université Laurentienne, que gère le Carrefour des carrières au Centre de réussite universitaire, offre sur le campus diverses possibilités d’emploi à temps partiel aux étudiants, favorisant ainsi l’acquisition d’un large éventail de compétences voulues en milieu de travail. Parlant du programme, surtout et de son importance, le...

L’Association des étudiants aux études supérieures élit les dirigeants de 2022-2023

(3 novembre 2022) - L’Association des étudiants aux études supérieures (AEES) de l’Université Laurentienne a récemment tenu des élections à la direction pour 2022-2023. Meghan McCue, doctorante dans le programme de sciences biomoléculaires, est la présidente nouvellement élue de l’AEES. Originaire de Sudbury, elle est diplômée (2013) de la Lockerby Composite Secondary School....

Prise de conscience à l’endroit des femmes autochtones disparues et tuées

(13 février, 2023) - Depuis le lancement en 2010 du Projet de la robe rouge (The REDress Project), série artistique en cours de l’artiste métisse Mme Jaime Black, le public est sensibilisé davantage au nombre stupéfiant de femmes autochtones qui ont disparu ou été tuées partout au Canada. Depuis 2016, l’Université Laurentienne participe à la Campagne de la robe rouge découlant de ce...

Annonce des gagnants du Symposium de recherche des cycles supérieurs à l’Université Laurentienne

(12 avril 2023) - Du 27 au 31 mars 2023, l’Association des étudiants des cycles supérieurs de la Laurentienne, appuyée du Bureau des études supérieures, a organisé le Symposium de recherche des cycles supérieurs « Découverte et dissémination », mettant en valeur les projets variés de recherche d’étudiants inscrits aux programmes de maîtrise et de doctorat. Les exposés ont témoigné de l’ampleur...

Conférence des géologues « Discovering Ancient to Modern Earth »

(2 mai 2023) – L’École des sciences de la Terre de Harquail de l’Université Laurentienne accueillera l’assemblée annuelle de l’Association géologique du Canada, de l’Association minéralogique du Canada et de la Société de géologie appliquée aux gisements minéraux (AGC-AMC-SGA) du 23 au 31 mai. Plus de 500 géologues du monde entier participeront à trois jours de communications scientifiques...

L’Université Laurentienne va de l’avant avec son plan de transformation

2 novembre 2023 - L’Université Laurentienne est heureuse de mettre en œuvre son programme de transformation opérationnelle que le Conseil des gouverneurs a approuvé récemment et qui attend l’approbation du ministère des Collèges et Université. « Nous pensons que ce plan de transformation et le prochain plan stratégique poseront les bases d’un avenir durable où l’Université Laurentienne...

Préservation de l’anishinaabemowin sur le terrain

(9 novembre 2023) - Alors que le campus se pare d’une beauté automnale, un sentier de randonnée a été réaménagé pour préserver l’anishinaabemowin et la connaissance des plantes derrière le Centre pour la vitalité des lacs Vale grâce aux efforts du Comité de la durabilité environnementale de l’Université Laurentienne.  Ce travail de préservation a été rendu possible grâce aux fonds reçus...

Mme Lynn Wells est nommée la 12e présidente et vice-chancelière de l’Université Laurentienne

5 décembre 2023 - Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne est heureux d’annoncer que Mme Lynn Wells a été nommée la prochaine rectrice et vice-chancelière de l’Université Laurentienne. Dans ce rôle, elle assurera une vision stratégique et un leadership pour toutes les activités universitaires, administratives, financières et de service, conformément au mandat bilingue et à...

Le professeur William Newbigging reçoit le Prix d’excellence en enseignement

3 avril 2024 – L’Université Laurentienne compte de nombreux membres du personnel et du corps professoral qui vont au-delà des attentes pour les étudiants. William (Bill) Newbigging, lauréat du Prix ​​d’excellence en enseignement de l’Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) de cette année, ne fait pas exception. Depuis...

La Laurentienne inaugure le laboratoire de recherche sur la santé et la sécurité au travail

April 27, 2015  - Representatives of trade unions and industrial sectors today joined researchers at Laurentian University to inaugurate the new laboratory of the research center on health and safety at work (ROSHC).   This laboratory will support numerous research projects run ROSHC the team in order to reduce or eliminate workplace injuries and occupational diseases.  ...

Laurentian University launches Canada's first Master's degree in Science Communication

Canada’s first and only comprehensive Master’s program in Science Communication was celebrated today at Laurentian University. The first cohort of students enrolled in this 12-month intense program began courses in early September. The Master’s program in Science Communication delivers a multi-disciplinary experience that covers the theory underlying good communication, as well as the...

Laurentian’s Science Communication program honoured by the Royal Canadian Institute for Science

(2018-11-09) Laurentian University’s Science Communication Program, offered in partnership with Science North, is the 2018 recipient of the Royal Canadian Institute for Science’s William Edmond Logan Award, recognizing excellence in promoting the public understanding of science by a Canadian organization. The announcement was made this morning in Ottawa during the 10th annual Canadian Science...

Laurentian University and Fleming College create unique pathway to master’s degree

July 25, 2019 – Fleming College graduates from the Environmental Visual Communication (EVC) program now have the option of completing a master’s degree at Laurentian University. It is the first pathway of its kind in postsecondary education in the province.   The institutions have signed an agreement allowing eligible graduates of Fleming’s EVC program to continue their education...

TD Bank Group Invests $250,000 in Science Communication

March 20, 2012 - One of Canada’s leading corporations, the TD Bank Group today announced a significant investment in students in a unique Science Communication program. Deputy Chair of TD Bank Group and former New Brunswick Premier, Frank McKenna presented a cheque for $250,000 to Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor Dominic Giroux. The bank’s gift is part of...

Science Communication program collaborates with Science North, Health Sciences North and Eastlink to offer Northern MedTalks 2022

(April 14, 2022) - On April 21, 2022 at 7pm, Laurentian’s Science Communication program, Science North, and Health Sciences North will collaborate with Eastlink to offer Northern MedTalks 2022. This free, fast-paced speakers event will feature ten presentations by Northern Ontario healthcare providers. Each ten minute talk is co-produced by healthcare providers and Master’s students of the...

Laurentian University Professor Awarded NSERC funding to advance science communication training

(November 23, 2020) Laurentian University is pleased to congratulate Dr. Chantal Barriault, who received $20,000 from the Federal Government in Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). This grant is intended to help skilled communicators share their knowledge with  faculty, researchers, and graduate students in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), to improve...

Laurentian University appoints new faculty members to tenure-track

(August 8, 2023) - Laurentian University has invested in faculty renewal and appointed multiple tenure stream faculty members across multiple academic units. These new hires will contribute to the academic environment through their teaching, graduate supervision, research and involvement in supporting a vibrant learning environment for the upcoming 2023-2024 academic year and beyond. ...

LU researchers awarded $50,000 to address vaccine confidence in Northern Ontario

August 3, 2021 - With support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), researchers and staff from the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) and the Science Communication Graduate Program will be travelling across Northern Ontario this September to enhance confidence in vaccination use with workplaces and communities.   Although many...

University community prepares for Graduate Research Symposium

(March 16, 2022) - A week-long event that promotes graduate student research at Laurentian University will take place March 21st to 25th, 2022. This student-led ‘Discovery and Dissemination Graduate Research Symposium’ is spearheaded by the Graduate Student Association, with support from the Office of Graduate Studies.  Presentations about current research projects from students...

When a unique hobby sparks lifelong commitment to advocacy

April 11, 2024 - At just 23 years old, Jérôme Breton has a degree in Marine Biology, experience working on research for the federal government, and is now at Laurentian University to round-out his skills as a science communicator. As a 12 year old, Jérôme started a unique hobby that would shape his academic journey and lifelong passion–on a family trip to British Columbia, he went diving with...

Laurentian creates new faculties in health, education and graduate studies

March 19, 2014 - The Laurentian University Senate approved a new Faculty structure, re-organizing and aligning many of the University’s schools and departments.   The existing Faculty of Professional Schools will be replaced by a Faculty of Health and a Faculty of Education. The existing Faculty of Science and Engineering will be renamed the Faculty of Science, Engineering and...

The Critical Contributions of Speech-Language Pathologists

May 3, 2024 - Speech-language pathologists are key contributors to the education system, and they are well-known for their work with kids in schools. Locally, you would find that many of the speech-language pathologists with the French and English school boards are graduates of the Orthophonie program at Laurentian. Though school settings may be the first to come to mind when thinking about...

Teaching Excellence Awards 2022

(October 27, 2022) - The Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning is very pleased to announce the recipients of the 2022 Teaching Excellence Awards.   The Teaching Excellence Award for Part-Time Faculty Members 2022 is awarded to Michelle Reid, B.Arts Sc., M.Sc., M.S.Com. (LU), Sessional Instructor, Science Communication Graduate Program, School of Natural Sciences, Faculty of...

Graduate Research Symposium Winners Announced

(March 30, 2022) - Laurentian’s Graduate Student Association, with the support of the Graduate Studies office, hosted a week-long ‘Discovery and Dissemination Graduate Research Symposium’ from March 21 - 25, 2022.  The event drew attention to diverse research projects of students enrolled in Masters and PhD programs. Presentations demonstrated the depth and breadth of research taking...

Laurentian University opens new School of the Environment

JULY 3, 2014 – Laurentian University’s new School of the Environment, approved by the University Senate earlier this year, is now open, with 13 faculty forming its core and 13 more faculty soon to be cross-appointed from other departments.  The School currently houses five existing programs:  Environmental Studies, Environmental Science, Études de l’environnement, Science...

Laurentian University balances budget for seventh consecutive year

The Laurentian University Board of Governors unanimously approved today the University’s 2017-2018 operating budget of $155.9 million, an increase of $5.4 million or 3.6% over last year. The Sudbury campus will have 28 more full-time faculty in 14 departments: 11 new positions and 17 colleagues transferring from Barrie. This includes three new research chairs in Metallogeny, Exploration...

Dr. Lynn Wells appointed 12th President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University

December 5, 2023 - The Laurentian University Board of Governors is pleased to announce that Dr. Lynn Wells has been appointed as the next President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University. In this role, Dr. Wells will provide strategic vision and leadership for all academic, administrative, financial, and service operations, in keeping with the university’s bilingual mandate and...

Laurentian University Balances Budget for Sixth Consecutive Year

The Laurentian University Board of Governors today approved the University’s 2016-2017 operating budget of $150.5 million, an increase of $2.7 million or 1.8% over last year. New investments will support international accreditation in the Faculty of Management, the expansion of the School of Architecture, graduate programs, bilingual engineering programs, enhancements to Research...

Five Laurentian Graduates to be honoured by the university's alumni association at this year's Distinguished Alumni Awards

The Laurentian University Alumni Association (LUAA) will honour five outstanding graduates at this year’s  Distinguished Alumni Awards to be held on Thursday, October 11, 2018, at the McEwen School of Architecture. The recipients of the 2018 Distinguished Alumni Awards are: Rising Star Achievement Award – Ashley Kirwan (B.Sc. ’08, M.Sc. ’17), Co-founder, President, CEO and...

Laurentian, Waubetek lay groundwork for future cooperation

(TORONTO, March 3, 2020) Laurentian University is pleased to announce the signing of a letter of interest with Waubetek Business Development Corporation today at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) convention in Toronto. This letter paves the way for cooperation between the institutions under the banner of Waubetek’s Centre of Excellence for Indigenous Mineral...

Graduate Research Symposium Winners Announced at Laurentian University

(April 12, 2023) - Laurentian’s Graduate Student Association, with the support of the Graduate Studies office, hosted a week-long ‘Discovery and Dissemination Graduate Research Symposium’ from March 27th to 31st, 2023. The event drew attention to diverse research projects of students enrolled in Masters and PhD programs. Presentations demonstrated the depth and breadth of research taking place...

Laurentian Biology Professor awarded $1.65M in NSERC funding

APRIL. 18, 2016 – A team led by Laurentian University’s Dr. Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde has been awarded a grant of $1.65 M under the CREATE program of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).  The award will support a new program to train conservation professionals for zoos/aquariums and their conservation partners.   Dr. Schulte-Hostedde is...

Laurentian celebrates opening of new Executive Learning Centre

JUNE 27, 2016 –  A ribbon-cutting ceremony and celebration today marked the official opening of the $3.1M Executive Learning Centre at Laurentian University.    The state-of-the-art facility, recently constructed on the third floor of the University’s Fraser Building, is a mutli-media connected lecture theatre with a dedicated lounge and five seminar rooms, all...

Three members of the Laurentian University community receive province's highest honour

Laurentian University congratulates Professor Dr. David Pearson, NOSM Board member Angèle Brunelle, and honorary doctorate recipient Ronald Caza on their appointment to the Order of Ontario. The Order of Ontario recognizes individuals whose exceptional achievement in their field has left a lasting legacy in the province, Canada and beyond. Order members come from all walks of life and...

Laurentian University professor and research chair among four Canadians selected for women in science expedition

Dr. Tammy Eger, Professor of Human Kinetics at Laurentian University and Research Chair at the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health is among only four Canadians selected for the fourth “Homeward Bound” cohort (HB4). She and 95 women representing 28 countries will complete a 12-month intensive leadership program for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Medicine...

Laurentian University students to represent Canada on the international stage

November 22, 2018 – The Faculty of Management of Laurentian University is proud to announce that six of its students will be representing Canada at the 22nd International Workshop in Russia from April 6 to 19, 2019.  Organized by South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences of Germany and hosted by M.I. Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) of Russia, the...

Special Advisor of Francophone Affairs, Roch Gallien

(November 26, 2021) We are pleased to welcome Roch Gallien to the position of Special Advisor of Francophone Affairs. He will report directly to the provost and vice-president, Academic to support operations of the Office of Francophone Affairs. Mr. Gallien has dedicated the last five years to overseeing training for Francophone and Anglophone teachers in all of Ontario’s faculties of...


(August 17, 2022) - It all comes down to this. More than a year and half has passed since Laurentian University entered CCAA proceedings, which started a long, difficult, and often divisive process that forced our institution – and the community at large – to look inward at our past shortcomings and better understand how we must protect the future of the university. I wondered at times if...

Graduate Students’ Association elect 2022-2023 leadership

(November 3, 2022) - Recently, Laurentian University’s Graduate Students Association (GSA) held its annual elections for 2022-2023 leadership. Meghan McCue, Ph.D. candidate in the Biomolecular Sciences program is the newly elected GSA President. McCue is a Sudburian who graduated from Lockerby Composite Secondary School (2013). She and other elected student leaders, will serve the GSA for...

Graduate looks back on her experience in Speech-Language Pathology

(November 29, 2022) - On October 29th, 2022, Céline St-Onge crossed the stage of Laurentian University’s Fraser auditorium to obtain her Maîtrise ès sciences de la santé en Orthophonie (Speech-Language Pathology). This degree follows her Baccalauréat ès sciences de la santé en Orthophonie (Laurentian, 2020). “I’m so proud of our cohort of graduates. Convocation was a very exciting day. It...

Geologists “Discovering Ancient to Modern Earth”

(May 2, 2023 - Sudbury, Ontario, Canada) —Laurentian University’s Harquail School of Earth Sciences will host the Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada, and the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (GAC-MAC-SGA) from May 23-31. More than 500 geologists from across the globe will participate in three days of...

Laurentian University moving forward with Transformation Plan

November 2, 2023 – Laurentian University is pleased to be moving forward with its operational transformation program following its recent approval by the Laurentian University Board of Governors. The Plan now awaits approval by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. “We believe this Transformation Plan, along with the upcoming Strategic Plan, will lay the foundation for a sustainable...

Preserving Anishinaabemowin Through Land Engagement

(November 9, 2023) - As Laurentian University’s campus was artfully transformed by autumn, a trail on campus was also transformed in an effort to preserve Anishinaabemowin and plant knowledge. The Laurentian Environmental Sustainability Committee has dedicated efforts to enhance a walking trail behind the Vale Living with Lakes Centre.  With funding from the Jane Goodall Institute of...

Professor William Newbigging awarded Teaching Award of Excellence

April 3, 2024 - Laurentian University has numerous staff and faculty members that go above and beyond for students. William (Bill) Newbigging, this year’s winner of the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance’s (OUSA) Teaching Award of Excellence, is no exception. Dr. Newbigging has been a member of the Laurentian faculty since 1993. For the majority of his time at Laurentian he...

Laurentian University appoints Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies

FEBRUARY 25, 2016 – Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. David Lesbarrères as Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies effective July 1, 2016 for a five-year renewable term.  Dr. Lesbarrères has been acting Dean since the new Faculty of Graduate Studies was established in March 2014, reflecting the growing importance of the...

McEwen School of Architecture students celebrate successful Nuit Blanche

(March 30, 2023) - On Saturday, March 25th, Laurentian University’s McEwen School of Architecture (MSoA) students curated the fifth annual Nuit Blanche, an evening dedicated to celebrating unity, culture and pride within Sudbury’s arts community. Nuit Blanche was first conceived by MSoA students in 2017 and involves art installations, musical and dance performances, as well as local vendors....

University invests in research, technology & graduate expansion

JUNE 19, 2015 – Laurentian University’s Board of Governors today approved a 2015-2016 operating budget of $147.7 million, marking the fifth consecutive year the University has achieved a balanced budget. The budget represents a $7 million increase over last year to fund key areas of priority for the University in capital projects, research, student services, graduate studies and...

Laurentian, United Steelworkers Canada Team Up to Honour Sudbury-born Labour Leader

(February 21, 2020) Laurentian University is pleased to announce the creation of the Leo Gerard Legacy Fund, thanks to a generous financial contribution from United Steelworkers Canada and the Sudbury and District Labour Council. This $33,500 pledge will go towards two major new initiatives: the biennial Leo Gerard Lecture on Workplace and Labour Studies, a series of presentations...

$39M now secured for Laurentian University campus in Barrie

June 23rd, 2014 – Laurentian University’s Board of Governors has approved a commitment of $25 million toward the proposed stand-alone university campus in the City of Barrie. This pledge represents a significant increase to Laurentian University’s 2011 commitment for the Barrie campus, and the amount would be enhanced by the $14M already committed by the City of Barrie for a standalone...

Geographer named adjunct professor in Chinese university.

Congratulations to Dr. Jorge Virchez, associate professor of Geography in the School of Northern and Community Studies. On April 28, 2015, he was appointed adjunct professor at the Center of Canadian Studies, at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, in the city of Guangzhou, Province of Guangdong, in China. Dr. Virchez has been working with the Chinese Association of Canadian Studies for...

An innovative strengthened collaboration among Laurentian University, Collège Boréal and La Cité

Sudbury (ON), January 26, 2016 – Laurentian University, Collège Boréal and La Cité signed an articulation agreement today to accelerate the process of obtaining a Bachelor of Business Administration for graduates of Ontario’s two francophone colleges.   As of September 2016, graduates of the two-year Business Administration programs at Collège...

Laurentian University researchers to participate in $8.6M national SSHRC Partnership Grant

(September 2, 2022) - To impact the everyday lives of Canadians across the country, we require a diversity of ideas and researchers. This unique Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) project of unprecedented scale in the design disciplines in Canada will see 14 universities, 70 researchers and over 68 public and private organizations at the municipal, provincial and national...

Dr. Jennifer Johnson named Dean of Arts

(May 23, 2023) - Laurentian University is proud to announce the appointment of Dr. Jennifer Johnson as the new Dean of Arts, effective July 1, 2023, for a five-year period. Dr. Johnson is an accomplished researcher with extensive administrative experience and a passion for working with students and supporting their academic success.  "Dr. Johnson is a strong leader who brings...

CNFS distributes $20,000 in awards to Laurentian University students

January 23, 2014 - Every year, the Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) at Laurentian University awards $20,000 to $30,000 in scholarships to students enrolled in French-language health and wellness programs at Laurentian University. For 2013-2014, eligible students are enrolled in Nursing, Midwifery, Speech Pathology, Social Work, Public Health and Kinesiology. In addition to...

Laurentian and Zhejiang University offer innovative dual degree

Hangzhou China (October 22, 2012) -  Laurentian University has announced a unique partnership with Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics (ZUFE) in Hangzhou, China to jointly deliver a Bachelor Degree program in Accounting. The agreement was signed at a formal ceremony today in Hangzhou by ZUFE President Wang Junhao and by Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor...

Hybrid classroom creating global community of learners

For students at Laurentian University, online learning has long been a way to learn. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, virtual and hybrid modes of learning have not only increased in volume, but have also been enhanced. Students are now accustomed to learning both in and outside of the classroom, and this year’s cohort of PhD students in the Human Studies and...

Laurentian soon to celebrate graduates at 2022 fall convocation

(October 27, 2022) - Laurentian University looks forward to celebrating a new cohort of graduates at the upcoming fall convocation. Ceremonies will be held on Saturday, October 29th at 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to commemorate the achievements of nearly four hundred graduating students. For those who are unable to attend in-person, the ceremonies will be live streamed on laurentian.ca. ...

Are local fish safe to consume? Research on contaminants in subsistence fish to impact Indigenous communities

(January 10, 2023) - Fishing is enjoyed by people from across the globe. It is an exciting sport that offers the opportunity to enjoy nature, relieve stress and spend quality time with friends and family. But are the fish we catch safe to consume? An aquaculture study about contaminants in subsistence fish sets the goal to address this question and specifically, help inform Indigenous...

Laurentian launches online Master of Health Administration (MHA)

(February 23, 2023) - In a partnership between the graduate Nursing and Master of Business Administration programs, Laurentian University has officially launched the Master of Health Administration (MHA). This unique, comprehensive, and accessible graduate program is now accepting applications for students to begin their studies in September 2023.  “The program has been designed to meet...

Laurentian University Board of Governors welcomes new member

BARRIE, ON (December 16, 2013) – Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor Dominic Giroux and the University’s Board of Governors applaud the appointment of Barrie lawyer Rose Adams as the newest board member.   “We are delighted with the appointment and welcome Rose with the greatest enthusiasm,” said President Giroux.  “She is a candidate of exceptional calibre...

Laurentian balances budget for fourth consecutive year

JUNE 20, 2014 – Laurentian University’s Board of Governors today approved a 2014-2015 operating budget of $141.2M, marking the fourth consecutive year the University has achieved a balanced budget. The Board’s unanimous approval followed a series of sixteen consultation sessions with more than 160 people from across the Laurentian community in Sudbury and Barrie.  “As we enter the...

Sudbury research highlights link between forest and fish stocks

July 7, 2014 – Environmental research conducted at the Vale Living With Lakes Centre of Laurentian University is the focus of an article published in the international research journal Nature Communications.  Lead author Dr. Andrew Tanentzap of University of Cambridge, U.K., carried out studies on acquatic food chains in Daisy Lake, in Sudbury, Ontario.  The findings of the...

Laurentian opens new occupational health and safety research lab

APRIL 27, 2015 – Representatives of labour and industry joined researchers at Laurentian University today for the official opening of the new  laboratory and research facility at the University’s Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH).    The laboratory will support numerous research projects led by the CROSH team, with the aim of...

Laurentian University to welcome Syrian student refugees

November 13, 2015 – Two young Syrian refugees will be sponsored as students at Laurentian University next year in a student-led initiative through World University Service Canada (WUSC).     Under the Student Refugee Program, Laurentian University’s WUSC local committee has already sponsored more than twenty refugees since the launch of the initiative in...

Laurentian University Leaving Barrie After 15 Years

February 12, 2016 – After delivering programs at Georgian College in Barrie since 2001 and in Orillia from 2004 to 2013, the Board of Governors of Laurentian University decided today, after careful consideration of all options available in exercising its fiduciary responsibilities, to no longer resource Arts and Management programs in Barrie as of May 2017, and to no longer...

Laurentian University names directors of the Maamwizing Indigenous Research Institute

Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointments of Dr. Celeste Pedri-Spade, PhD, as the first Director of the Maamwizing Indigenous Research Institute (Maamwizing), and Dr. David Fortin as the first Maamwizing Assistant Director. The Maamwizing Indigenous Research Institute was established in 2016 bringing together researchers pursuing work that embraces Indigenous worldviews,...

Strong Enrolment for Spring Semester

May 6, 2021 -- With the official start of Laurentian University’s Spring Semester on May 3rd, the University embarks on a new journey, one that carves out a path forward for students, faculty, and the community. Laurentian offers a wide variety of courses in French and English in areas such as; business, engineering, Indigenous Social Work and many more. The Spring Semester plays a key role in...

Urbanization is driving evolution of plants globally, study supported by Laurentian U finds

(March 21, 2022) - Humans re-shape the environments where they live, with cities being among the most profoundly transformed environments on Earth. New research now shows that these urban environments are altering the way life evolves. A ground-breaking study led by evolutionary biologists at U of T Mississauga (UTM) examines whether parallel evolution is occurring in cities all over...

Laurentian Ph.D. alumnus, Xuyang Meng, awarded the Governor General’s Gold Medal

(July 27, 2022) - Post-doctoral researcher and Laurentian University alumni Xuyang Meng, has received a prestigious Governor General’s Gold Medal award for academic excellence at the graduate level. Meng’s Ph.D in Economic Geology, belonging to the Mineral Deposits and Precambrian Geology program at Laurentian, focused on understanding the formation of porphyry copper deposits in the early...

Local History student spends summer and fall working at the Juno Beach Centre.

(November 10, 2022) - Like so many future students considering post-secondary, Elias Parent initially felt a little uncertain as to his path. “I entered university not knowing exactly what I wanted to do for the endgame of my life. However, I knew that I had an interest in history and felt as though at university, that’s what you should do: take courses about something you like; something...

Engineering grad turning heads in Silicon Valley by turning waste into fuels

(January 26, 2023) - It sounds like something out of a movie - turning trash into valuable goods. For Monem Alyaser, Ph.D, it’s an average day in Silicon Valley.  Alyaser is the Founder and CEO of Enventix, Inc, a company established in 2010 to develop advanced thermo-chemical systems for the conversion of non recyclable waste paper and plastics, biomass and shredded tires to...

Two new scholarships from Perkins&Will are awarded to support Indigenous Architects in Canada

(February 22, 2023) - Perkins&Will is pleased to announce the recipients of the studio’s Architecture Excellence and Graduate Architecture awards for Indigenous students enrolled in the Bachelor and Master programs at Laurentian University’s McEwen School of Architecture. The two new annual scholarships were created as part of the studio’s commitment to reconciliation in Canada. Matched in...

Student Spotlight: How Does Someone Become a Geologist?

(October 5, 2023) - Discovering a mineral deposit is a complex process, there’s no doubt. So too is finding one’s passion within the many post-secondary offerings. For Nia Gauthier, the path to becoming a Geologist was also hidden beneath the surface.  Nia is now a thesis-based Masters of Geology student at Laurentian University, supervised by Dr. Stéphane Perrouty, originally from...


Ateliers FLS & Cours préparatoire de FLS

/* Reset some default styles */ * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { } /* Style the card container */ .card-container { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-between; gap: 20px; margin: 20px; } /* Style individual cards */ .card { flex: 0 1 calc(33.33% - 20px); /* Each card takes up...

Institut de marketing du sport

[tabs border="no"] [tab title="IMS"] Programmes de recherche Dans le passé, l’IMS a accompli toute une série de projets de partenariat avec Gatorade, effectué une étude intitulée « Sponsorship Landscape Study » pour le CSF et contribué à l’Encyclopedia of Sports Marketing and Management, à une étude de l’expérience étudiante dans les établissements postsecondaires, à une étude...

Corps professoral

Professeurs permanents Thierry Bissonnette, professeur agrégé (littérature)      •  B.A. (Philosophie), M.A. (Littérature française et québécoise), Ph.D. (Littérature) (Laval) Domaines d'enseignement et de recherche : littérature québécoise, création littéraire, poésie, théorie de genres, esthétique de la négation, géopoétique voir profil...

Programmes offerts

Études françaises   Le Département d'études françaises offre le baccalauréat général (3 ans) et le baccalauréat spécialisé (4 ans) en Études françaises, une excellente formation en langue, linguistique et littérature françaises. Exigence d'admission (12e année 4U/M) : 1 français 5 autres cours moyenne minimale de 70...


« Les discussions et l’interaction en classe constituent probablement la meilleure partie de l’apprentissage à la Laurentienne en ce sens que ma contribution, en tant qu’étudiante, est reconnue et valorisée. il existe ici un vrai sentiment d’appartenance. » Kathryn Shearer, Communication Studies/Concurrent Education, 4e année    « La diversité des sujets...

Possibilités de carrière

  Un diplôme en études françaises ou en français langue seconde                            et quoi après?      Quelles perspectives de carrière, quel avenir?  Outre le sens...


Publications Boissonneault, Julie et Ali Reguigui (dir.), Langue et territoire. Études en sociolinguistique urbaine, Sudbury, Série monographique en sciences humaines, no 15, 2014, 510 p. Cheadle, Norman , Julie Boissonneault et Ali Reguigui (dir.), Langue et territoire. Espaces litteraires, Série monographique en sciences humaines, no 16, 2014, 268 p. Reguigui, Ali et...

Melanie Morin

Pouvez-vous gagner sur tous les tableaux? Melanie Morin, diplômée de la Laurentienne répond par l’affirmative quand il s’agit de sa carrière. Elle est fière du chemin parcouru jusqu’ici dans sa carrière, qui découle d’une relation clé et qui s’est développée sous le signe d’une idée audacieuse : franchir de nouveaux sommets. En 2001, Melanie a obtenu un baccalauréat ès arts en...

Programmes académiques

Les modules et règlements du diplôme en histoire Les étudiants doivent suivre les règlements de programmes afin de rencontrer les exigences de diplomation du B.A. ou du B.Sc. N.B. Les étudiants peuvent obtenir un maximum de 42 crédits de la série 1000 ou 9100 pendant leurs études. Cliquer ICI click here pour les règlements d’admission. Cliquer ICI pour la liste des course offerts...

L’Université Laurentienne clôture une autre fructueuse Semaine de l’éducation internationale

L’Université Laurentienne a célébré la Semaine de l’éducation internationale (SEI) et fait valoir ses efforts de mobilisation sur la scène mondiale ainsi que la culture diversifiée de son campus. Chaque année, la SEI se déroule dans une centaine de pays partout dans le monde pendant la troisième semaine de novembre. À la Laurentienne, nous avons présenté virtuellement toute une série...

« Nous avons une présence. » Mme Mery Martinez Garcia parle de vie, d’amour et de contributions des NAPDC dans le monde

« Je me souviens, la responsable de la garderie m’avait dit “Je ne sais pas comment ça se passe au Canada, ou si vous avez remarqué, mais nous sommes une garderie noire”, a raconté la professeure agrégée du Département de biologie, Mme Mery Martinez Garcia, pendant une récente entrevue. Je lui ai demandé si le fait que mon enfant soit blanc pose un problème et elle a dit “non, non, non,...


Voici quelques publications recentes des professeurs du département de science économique :   Hassan Bougrine   Hassan Bougrine, 2017, The Creation of Wealth and Poverty: Means and Ways, New York and London: Routledge   Hassan Bougrine, 2017, ‘Rethinking the Economic Role of the State’ in Rochon, L. P. and S. Rossi (eds), A Modern Guide to Rethinking...

Journées de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage - Programme

th { background-color: #003e7e; color: white; } td.tech { background-color: #bde9ba; } td.curator { background-color: #f9cb9c; } td.educator { background-color: #d5a6bd; } td.experimenter { background-color: #d9d2e9; } td.collaborator { background-color: #a2c4c9; } td.scholar { background-color: #fff2cc; } .table-responsive { padding } Jeudi, le 25 avril 2019 Édifice...

La famille Reilly

Nous remercions Nina Reilly, ancienne de la Laurentienne (B.A.Sc. Metallurgical Engineering ‘85), d’avoir pris le temps de nous raconter l’histoire de sa famille de son domicile à Calgary, en Alberta ce mois. L’histoire de la famille Reilly à l’Université Laurentienne a commencé avant que l’université a porté ce nom. Irvine Reilly, père de Nina, B.Eng., M.Eng., PhD, a commencé ses études à...

Kim Fahner

Kim Fahner, auteure, éducatrice, poétesse lauréate de Sudbury et membre active de la collectivité, a pour les arts une passion qui rayonne dans toute son œuvre. Elle est diplômée de l’Université Laurentienne où elle a préparé une double majeure, English et History, puis une mineure en « Native Studies » comme on l’appelait à l’époque. En effet, elle avait vraiment à cœur de faire ses études de...

Program Requirements


The Reilly Family

  Laurentian University runs in the family! This month, we were appreciative of Nina Reilly, Laurentian alumna (B.A.Sc. Metallurgical Engineering ‘85), for making the time to share her family’s story with us all the way from her home in Calgary, Alberta.  The Reilly family’s time at Laurentian University dates back to even before the university bore that name. Irvine Reilly,...

FSL Workshops & FSL Preparatory Course

/* Reset some default styles */ * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { } /* Style the card container */ .card-container { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-between; gap: 20px; margin: 20px; } /* Style individual cards */ .card { flex: 0 1 calc(33.33% - 20px); /* Each card takes up...


“ Being from Bracebridge and the Muskoka Lakes area, I had heard the dated descriptions of Sudbury as a mining town. I was pleasantly surprised and amazed, really. The scenery and the atmosphere are top-notch, and the friendliness of the people truly makes the city.” - Derek Janssen, Sport and Physical Education, 4th year   “Anyone can do a sport, but it takes true...

Confidential Notice

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE - This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified...

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Celeste Pedri-Spade Bio: Celeste Pedri-Spade is an Ojibwe scholar from the Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation in northwestern Ontario. She is currently the inaugural Associate Provost of Indigenous Initiatives at McGill University where she is a tenured professor in the department of anthropology. Prior to McGill, she was an Associate Professor of Indigenous...

Commerce Co-op and Internships

[tabs border="no"] [tab title="Co-op"]   CO-OP OPTION Laurentian University’s School of Commerce offers Cooperative education option as part of the French-language Honours Bachelor of Commerce program.  Cooperative education is a partnership between the student, the employer and the University, contributing to a well-rounded Commerce and Business education. The practical...

Career Prospects

What comes next after graduating with diploma in French Studies or French as a Second Language? What are career and future prospects?     In addition to expanding critical thinking and analysis skills, programs in French allow students to acquire and develop superior abilities, such as: •   writing and communication skills •  ...

Advice from Laurentian University’s Academic Excellence Awards Winners

This spring, Laurentian students graduated at a convocation ceremony unlike any other in the 60 years the university has been in operation. Another year has come and gone. Though graduation marks the end of a chapter, it is not the end goal; it is just another step on a path leading to many more accomplishments on the journey we call life. We would like to share advice from some of our top...

Melanie Morin

Can you have your cake and eat it too? Laurentian alumna Melanie Morin believes you can have it all, when it comes to your career that is. She is proud of how far she has come in her career, which stemmed from one key relationship and blossomed with one innovative idea, to become much more. Melanie graduated from Laurentian University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and English...

“We are present!” Mery Martinez Garcia on life, love, and BIPOC contributions to the world at large

“The daycare operator told me, 'I don’t know how it is in Canada, and I don’t know if you’ve noticed… but this is a Black daycare…'” recalled Prof. Mery Martinez Garcia in a recent interview. “I asked her, 'is there an issue with my child being white?' Then the operator responded, 'No! No! No, no, no! Normally white people don’t put their children into a black daycare!'” Martinez Garcia,...

Academic Programs

Program Options and Requirements in History  Students must follow these regulations in order to meet graduation requirements for the BA or BSc. Note: Students may not exceed 42 credits at the 1000 or 9100 level in their degree program. Please click here for admission requirements. Please click here for a current listing of undergraduate courses. Please click here for a complete...

Happy New Year and Return to Classes

The start of an academic term is always an exciting time, but this year we begin our term at the start of a new decade. Hopefully you are returning from your holidays rested, refocused, and with a renewed sense of optimism. There is much work to do in 2020 and just imagine the potential for Laurentian by 2030.   Being as this is my first blog since November, I wanted to share some...

Laurentian University wraps up another successful International Education Week

Laurentian University celebrated International Education Week (IEW), an opportunity to showcase international engagement efforts as well as our diverse campus culture. IEW is celebrated annually during the third week of November in over 100 countries around the world. We hosted a series of virtual events and workshops to highlight international talent, employment and study abroad opportunities....

Laurentian Researchers' Helpful Tips - COVID-19

Content and slides developed by Victoria Banderob (Science Communication MA student)   Practicing Mindfulness   Relieving Back Pain    Supporting Older Adults   Daily Self-Care Ideas

Feminist Praxis Revisted: new book co-edited by Dr. Jennifer Johnson

Feminist Praxis Revisited: Critical Reflections on University-Community Engagement is a recently released book co-edited by Dr. Jennifer Johnson, Associate Professor and Chair of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Thorneloe University. Dr. Johnson’s research and teaching interests include feminist geographical approaches to the study of social reproduction and global economies; gender,...

Isabelle Baril

Isabelle Baril was born in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. Her family moved to Sudbury when she was 4 years old. Isabelle completed her high school studies in French, and chose to study at Laurentian University to further her studies in the French language. In university, Isabelle completed her BA in Géographie with a minor in French. She credits her love for travelling and social studies for inspiring...

Graduate Refund Schedule

All students must register and pay fees in full at time of registration (including all incidental fees.). Refunds are applicable to the tuition portion only, all other indicental fees are non-refundable according to the schedule below. Graduate Studies will inform the Student fees office of the date we received the complete thesis package from the Thesis Supervisor.   *THIS...


The Department of Music at Laurentian University was founded in 1978 at Huntington College, in collaboration with the Department of Music at Cambrian College, after approval by the Board of Regents, as well as the Senate and Board of Governors of Laurentian University.  At that time, the first General Bachelor of Arts in Music (three-year program) was offered to the Sudbury community....

Meaghan McKinney & Angèle Lafontaine

For many, a university degree is a goal to strive for in order to pursue a career. After graduation, it may become a faint memory where you had the chance to meet new people and take some interesting courses, unless you chose to continue your studies or return some day to pursue your passion. For some, that passion is educating the youth of tomorrow and Laurentian University happened to be...

Kim Fahner

  An author, an educator, a Sudbury poet laureate, and an active community volunteer, Kim Fahner’s passion for the arts shines through in all of her work. Kim began her studies at Laurentian University with a double major in English and History, and later added in a minor in Native Studies (now Indigenous Studies). Kim wanted to stay at home in Sudbury for her undergraduate program, and...

Kerry Moynihan

Kerry Moynihan (B.Com. SPAD) still remembers his parents dropping him off in Sudbury to begin his first year at Laurentian University. Kerry grew up in Toronto, ON, and most of his family members before him completed their postsecondary studies in southern Ontario. Although his first few days in Sudbury were an adjustment, Kerry soon met some of his lifelong friends,...

Department of French Studies

Welcome to our Department of French Studies.

About Us

Who we are The Department of French Studies offers programs in three disciplines: language, literature and linguistics. Programs and courses have been designed to meet the specific needs of two language groups: Études françaises – for Francophones French as a Second Language/Français langue seconde– for Anglophones Instruction is thorough, extensive and complete,...

Contact Us

The Department of French Studies is located in the Alphonse Raymond Pavilion, room E-230. Office hours are: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.   Our address:  Laurentian University                       French Studies Department...

About Us

Our Mandate The mandate Office of Academic and Indigenous Programs is to promote the development of initiatives that support Indigenous education and First Nations, Metis and Inuit student success. This is accomplished through leading the developing of Indigenous strategic initiatives with the Laurentian University Native Education Council and the general university community. More recent...


"My experience at the EAP was absolutely great. Coming from Saudi Arabia with a very limited knowledge of the English language, I found the EAP program helps a lot in enhancing every skill required to become ready to live and study in Canada.  The committed instructors were able to cater the needs of students and allow them to experience working on assignments that would...

Academic Programs

French Studies The Department of French Studies offers a general B.A. (3 years) and a specialized B.A. (4 years) in Études françaises, an excellent academic preparation in French language, linguistics and literature.   Admission requirements (Grade 12 4U/M):   •  1 français •  5 other courses •  minimum average of 70% Admissions  ...

Monograph Series

The Human Sciences Monograph Series is a Canadian bilingual publication which stresses the interconnections between theory, practice, and pedagogy in the studies conducted in Humanities and Social Sciences.  It provides scholars working across these fields with an accessible way to share their thinking and thus foster a healthy conversation about the implications of the day-to-day...

Statement from the President and Vice-Chancellor, June 22, 2020

Hello, Aanii, Bonjour, Further to my statement of June 9th condemning racism on campus, today I wish to communicate with the Laurentian community that Dr. David Lesbarrères will be stepping down from his day-to-day functions as Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies for an indeterminate period, effective immediately. Interim arrangements for leadership of the Faculty of Graduate Studies...

Karen J. Pheasant-Neganigwane

                                      Maamwi. Together. Ensemble. This is how we understand the past and learn to move forward hand-in-hand as a community. Listening, understanding and initiating change are all crucial to how we move...

Visiting Scholars from Russia

Two M.Sc. Biology students, Olga Prokopenko and Daria Barykin, from the Federal University of the Far East in Vladivostok, Russia, recently spent 10 weeks at Laurentian University as visiting scholars. Their stay in Sudbury was facilitated by Dr. Frank F. Mallory, Full Professor in the Department of Biology, and their co-supervisor, Dr. Diana Solovyeva, in Russia. The students first met Dr....

Graduate Spotlight - Lacey Hambleton

The Graduate Spotlight features exceptional students who have had unique journeys through Laurentian University. We celebrate these students and their accomplishments! “I am proud of the person I have become,” said Lacey Hambleton, one of many students to graduate this spring with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Laurentian. “Now that I’m graduating, doors are opening for me and...

Graduate Spotlight: Ivan Samoylenko

The Graduate Spotlight features exceptional students who have had unique journeys through Laurentian University. We celebrate these students and their accomplishments! For Ivan Samoylenko, the student experience at Laurentian University has been all about inclusivity and diversity. “I’m very proud of the many friends I’ve made and the great relationships I’ve fostered with people I know...

Payment Options

The thought of financing your studies can be overwhelming.  The information below will guide you through your payment due dates and amount, as well as your payment method options to ease your transaction.

School of Education

The English-language concurrent Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) program admits approximately 115 students yearly. It provides an innovative alternative to the consecutive teacher education programs that typically involve an additional two years after the completion of an undergraduate degree. Students in our five-year concurrent education program complete a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of...

Nicole Tardif

Women in STEM, namely in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics are making waves all around the world. The fields have been predominantly male but are now seeing an increase in female professionals, despite the gender disparity that continues to exist. Nicole Tardif is one of those women that comes to mind when one thinks about strong leaders in STEM and in Northern...

Four Emerging Researchers Awarded Insight Development Grants

On January 30, 2019, the Government of Canada announced a major boost for the next generation of social sciences and humanities researchers, which includes four Insight Development grants, from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), awarded in 2018 to four of Laurentian University's emerging researchers. The recipients are Dr. Émilie Pinard, Dr. Celeste...

Teaching and Learning Days - Program

th { background-color: #003e7e; color: white; } td.tech { background-color: #bde9ba; } td.curator { background-color: #f9cb9c; } td.educator { background-color: #d5a6bd; } td.experimenter { background-color: #d9d2e9; } td.collaborator { background-color: #a2c4c9; } td.scholar { background-color: #fff2cc; } .table-responsive { padding } Thursday April 25, 2019 Classroom...

My experience as an international student

It’s difficult to choose your university after high school, especially when you want to go to another country, because it involves a double task, which is to choose a country and then choose a university in the country. The questions to ask are: "What would this country bring me more than others?" "Why this university and not another?" In my case, the answers to these questions led me to...

Welcome to the Fall Academic Term

The Fall Academic term is in full swing at Laurentian University. It is with great pleasure that I welcome all new and returning students, staff and faculty members for what is shaping up to be an academic year filled with opportunity. This was my first orientation week at Laurentian University, although I am no stranger to residence move-in weekend. From my own time in University, to being...

Mario Grossi and Technica Mining

Sudbury, Ontario has been a global mining hub and leader for years. Technica Mining, a contracting company led by Mario Grossi, President and CEO, provides services including but not limited to engineering design, construction, maintenance, and production, all in an underground capacity. After completing his Commerce degree at Laurentian University, Mario founded Technica Mining in 1999,...

International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in the Human Sciences (ICIRHS)

The aim of the International Centre for Interdisciplinarity Research in the Human Sciences (ICIRHS) is to facilitate and nurture interdisciplinary research on human beings from a socio-cultural dimension. The Centre uses interdisciplinarity as the tool or method for conducting analysis and research. The Centre is a meeting place for researchers, students and faculty members alike where they...

Chris Vitiello

  If you had spoken with Laurentian Commerce graduate Chris Vitiello in the early years of his degree, he would never have believed that he’d be successfully navigating the food industry in just a few years’ time. Raised in the Valley East area, Chris Vitiello shares what it means to be a local entrepreneur, and the importance of giving back to our communities. Chris always knew...

One Hundred Days and Beyond

My First 100 Days October 8th marked my 100th day at Laurentian. I spent the day at a Universities Canada National Building and Reconciliation Forum hosted by Algoma University. There was a remarkable energy and enthusiasm in the room and a real sense that universities in Canada can provide leadership in building reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.  100 days may seem...

Darrell Frank | BPHE, B.Ed.

Darrell Frank, an avid cross-country skier and Laurentian alumnus, was an accomplished athlete long before his university studies began. He had participated in and won many provincial championships as a high school athlete. Darrell knew that he wanted to pursue a degree related to physical education to further pursue his passion for the sport. At the time, Laurentian University was looking to...

SPAD Alumni Newsletter - Ken Peter

KEN PETER: A PROBLEM-SOLVING PATH, FROM SPAD TO PHYSIOTHERAPY Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985 The lessons learned during the time one commits to the study of Sports Administration can be as wide and varied as the personalities who comprise the program’s impressive list of alumni. Those same lessons are also, quite often, life-long in nature, helping to navigate the circuitous...

Statement from the President and Vice-Chancellor, June 9, 2020

Hello, Bonjour, Aanii Yesterday, our Dean of Graduate Studies issued an inappropriate and offensive tweet.  He has since apologized publicly for his comments which, by his own admission, have hurt many people in our Laurentian community and beyond. The University is following-up on this expeditiously and with the utmost care and attention.  That said, I wish to reiterate that I...

SPAD Alumni Newsletter - Honsing Leung

Honsing Leung - SPAD 1995 Written by Randy Pascal, SPAD 1985 Born in Hong Kong but moving to Canada at the age of six, Toronto Blue Jays’ Senior Manager of Client Services and LU Sports Administration alum Honsing Leung might not seem like a natural fit to a sport that he has loved for the better part of his 44 years. Yet here we are. With a little luck and some positive...

Dr. Thomas Merritt’s Talk for the Coffee Association of Canada on the Biology of the Bean

On October 7, 2020, the Coffee Association of Canada (CAC) held its Virtual Coffee Conference, and Laurentian University’s very own Dr. Thomas Merritt was invited to speak on the varying biological effects of coffee – the world’s favourite beverage.  Dr. Merritt is a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. At the conference, Dr. Merritt was introduced by John...

David Paquette

Technology may change but one thing remains the same: the dynamics between individuals in the workplace and their importance in helping organizations move forward. David Paquette is a Laurentian University alumnus who works as a management consultant, executive coach and leadership trainer. He has dedicated the past 26 years of his career to helping organizations and leaders implement change...

Laurentian’s Call for Optimism

February 5, 2021   Hello, Aanii, Bonjour, Just a few days ago, Laurentian announced that it had started a formal court proceeding in order to restructure itself.  We know that it’s difficult news for our community. For our faculty and our staff. For our alumni, our friends. And especially, for you, our students.  I nonetheless continue to be optimistic about and...

Dr. Amadou Ba sharing the untold history of African Candians

“The history of Black people has been incredibly difficult,” shared historian and lecturer Amadou Ba. “Today, minorities are living the consequences of slavery, colonisation, and discrimination.” Dr. Ba is a sessional professor at Laurentian University. He believes that in order to create a more inclusive, prosperous, and safe society, Black history needs to become common knowledge. “Then...

Anik Dennie, Recipient of the Research Innovation Award

Anik Dennie, a recent graduate of the Masters of Human Kinetics program, received the Research Innovation Award during Research Week 2019 for her work with Dr. Joël Dickinson on the LGBTQ2-S Safe Space Training. Safe Space Training is an initiative that came out of the 2012 Sexuality and Gender Diversity Climate Survey conducted by Laurentian’s Sexuality and Gender Diversity Committee which...

SMA Report-Back

The Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) and Laurentian University have signed a Multi-Year Accountability Agreement (MYAA) describing both partners' commitment to improve: Accessibility to postsecondary studies; Quality of the educational experience; Accountability to the public.   Multi-Year Accountability Agreement Reports...

International Undergraduate Scholarship Policy

This policy is designed to recognize and reward students with high academic achievement who are registered in a 100% course load in two semesters (fall/winter) in a first degree and pay International fees to Laurentian University.  Excellence scholarships are awarded to all students who are entering their 1st year and who register full-time in an undergraduate first degree program at...

For Sample Submissions

Samples can be analyzed by submitting them to the PCAF for full-service analysis. Turnaround time is variable. Please contact us (pcaf@laurentian.ca) to discuss your options. All sample submissions must be accompanied by a PCAF Form 103 Chain-of-Custody.  Below is a list of services we offer. We are also interested in working with you to develop methods!   Current Services...

Dr. Jacqueline Litzgus

Dr. Jacqueline Litzgus is a nationally-recognized leader in Conservation Biology of Species At Risk (SAR) reptiles and amphibians, which are among the most globally-imperilled animals. Dr. Litzgus combines basic and applied science to inform government policies and legislation, with particular focus on addressing the damaging effects of highway development and resource extraction (aggregates,...